We've been amazed by how many people we've already had visit our new showroom, but for those of you who don't live nearby, or who haven't yet been able to visit, we thought we'd share a few more pictures of the showroom and our opening ceremony video with you.
On the 12th April we had the pleasure of welcoming Gavin Wiggins-Davies, Landlord of the beautiful Revesby Estate in which our showroom is set, to the showroom in order to cut our ribbon and official open the shop. Despite the strong winds (apologies for the noise in the video!) all present had a great time, and it was fantastic to be able to officially start inviting customers over to demo the HiFi and home cinema equipment we have to offer.
In between demos, John has been busy putting all the final touches to the showroom; touching up the paintwork, hanging signs, installing a neat cable management system and much more. The showroom now looks fantastic, with the facility to demo TV and projector based AV systems, vinyl, CD, and streaming based HiFi systems, Dolby Atmos, surround sound and DIRAC calibrated systems - read more about that in our blog here.
Check out the photos and video below of the showroom, and do get in touch if you have an AV or HiFi need, or just want to explore the world of high quality home audio!